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 movmem()                Move a Block of Bytes

 #include   <mem.h>

 void       movmem(source,destin,len);
 void       *source;                     Source
 void       *destin;                     Destination
 unsigned   len;                         Number of bytes

    movmem() copies a block of 'len' bytes from 'source' to 'destin'. If
    the source and destination blocks overlap, movmem() ensures that
    overlapping bytes are copied correctly.

       Returns:     Nothing

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
    The following statements crunch an array to remove the third item.

           #include <mem.h>     /* for movmem */

           int array[1000];

               movmem(&array[2], &array[3], sizeof(array) - 3*sizeof(int));

See Also: memcpy() memccpy() memchr() memmove()
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